Friday, May 30, 2008
Welts (Is that how you spell it?)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Family Reunion

Here is Cord and Mike getting ready to go out on the very cold lake! They are so funny together. I dont know why but when you see them together you cant help but laugh lol.
G-ma mary and Doug and Caroline came down too!

Take a look at those faces! Pure glee....

Ash and I went out together
Here we are getting ready. Nate is not very nice when he is driving the boat. I flew off everytime...Maybe i just stink at holding on....
On Sunday we all went to the temple for family pics and to see the Joseph Smith movie. It is a great film, and we were able to get some good pics.
Cord and Ave look so cute together dont they!?

On MOnday Morning a bunch of us went out to paintball again. The Trist was ready for some action. He won the night before when it was only him and I. I could barely see it was soo dark and I was checking to see if he was where I was getting ready to shoot and Wham! He shot me right in the facemask. Quick little bugger...

Nate and Emily put off the drive home to paintball with us. EMily got it in the face. She looks soo sad lol. Im glad they stayed though! They ended up leaving after and then coming back again for breakfast, they just couldnt stay away. =)

After everyone left Nate, Jen, Cord, Weston and I all went 4-wheeling. We had soo much fun running through mud puddles and over rocks! Nate and Jen almost got stuck in a huge puddle lol. Thanks to Jenna, G-ma mary and Velda for babysitting even though it got a little nuts! You guys are great!

Here is Cord and I out in the sun four wheeling!
Cedar and Paintball

Here is Emily and Avery! Sitting and having a good ol' time! We were so glad she came to see us! Thanks Em! Im glad Mjay came down and hung out with us. We miss you guys!
Cecily's Shower

This is Cecily! She is already about to pop lol but she wears pregnancy well. She looks soooo beautiful im jealous! I didnt look that good when i was preggo. =)

This is CC and Her Mother in Law and Gma in Law. FUN LAdies!!! She's lucky like me to have awesome in-laws!
And here below is her crazay sister-in-law Julie. I LOVE this girl she cracks me up!

Monday, May 5, 2008

O i cant wait! Well, If anyone knows me they now i have this thing about making myself face my fears (not necessarily large fears like bears and murderers, but little ones like stage fright and jumping off the wall lol) So sunday we went to our ward for only the first part of sacrament meeting. I wont lie, I totally forgot it was fast sunday! Im used to not fasting from being pregnant and I have missed every fast sunday so far. I need help! lol SOMEONE remind me puh-leeze! Well anyways we went to our ward because Cord had to say the opening prayer. Well as were sitting there cord turns to me and says if i have to say the prayer you have to bare your testimony. My own little prompter lol. Well that got me thinking. I hadn't bore my testimony in probrably 6 years! So i decided to do it. It took me awhile to get up but I did! It felt soo good. It was really short but its done and now hopefully i wont be so scared to get up now! SO that was it for us. Lets hope this week goes well!
Oh and HAppy Birthday Emily, Mike, Matt, and Ryan! And Anyone else i missed im sure there are more I just cant remember all these May Birthdays!!!
Cardinals vs. Carolina Panthers

We lost sadly, but it was fun to go and see my fam!
ASU Game

Thats right...ASU vs. Washington and we whooped!
Round Valley

I love RV in the Fall! I miss it!