Monday, October 10, 2011


So we took avery to the temple since shed been begging us to go. She really wanted to go inside but it was a sunday so we couldnt. So we walked around the grounds and saw the fountains and the flowers and just enjoyed the scenery. Ave took the opportunity to run on the grass and roll down the hills, perfectly reverent activities to enjoy at the temple...=) Gage sat in the stroller and enjoyed the ride. When it came time to go Ave did NOT want to leave. In fact she made cord and I chase her for about 15 minutes before I finally caught her and we had to drag her to the car, and even then she didnt want to get in. lol We promised to come again often and she sadly left. Im so glad my little girl loves the temple, even if is only cause it looks like a castle and has fountains and hills lol.

By the end Gage had had enough...
Mom just put the camera down already!

1 comment:

Birrell Family said...

Rolling down the hills and chasing her are all okay... what you are giving her is a love of the temple that she will remember always. Glad she loved it. Be sure to come trick or treating to our place :)

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